Rachel Kitchen is a non-profit organization and the only Glatt Kosher soup kitchen in the Los Angeles area that provides weekly meals for Shabbat, monthly Rosh Chodesh and the Jewish holidays.
The kitchen is open once a week and operates by volunteers only. Our amazing team is dedicated to provide nourishing food to low-income individuals, elderly, and families who are experiencing financial hardships. During the week, the soup kitchen’s team delivers food from restaurants on Pico and on Thursdays pack and distribute to families. We also receive individual donations so we can buy extra items to give away.
During the year we operate several food distribution projects:

For Shabbat we provide trays of cooked food from leading local restaurants on Pico who donate food weekly. We also provide fresh challah, fruit, vegetables, frozen fish, meat, and chicken.

Rosh Chodesh
For Rosh Chodesh and Jewish holidays, we provide in addition dry food products, dairy products, eggs, wine and much more.

High Holidays + Passover
For the high holidays and Passover we provide huge food baskets for about 200 families including all the items that a family needs to celebrate the holidays with dignity.
Come visit or contact us to find out how you can help!
Who Rachel
The soup kitchen was named in honor of Rachel Portnoy who was an inspiration for both volunteers and families.
Rachel worked for many years in helping the Jewish community in Los Angeles. Her efforts focused on fundraising to support families in need with food, clothing , shelter, education and medical care. She participated tirelessly in the operations and management of the soup kitchen until her untimely death in January 2023, Shevat 5783. Volunteers and families can attest to her constant presence in the soup kitchen; cleaning, arranging, cooking, packing, and shouting at whoever would listen. Rachel embodied Chesed or Loving-Kindness. Her Ahavat Israel directly impacted countless families and individuals, and inspired many of her students, friends, colleagues towards a greater appreciation and understanding of Chesed and caring for others.
Rachel grew up in Israel and moved to Los Angeles in 1980 with her husband, Dr. Mark Portnoy. They raised three children together in the Pico-Robertson neighborhood. She walked the streets of LA, even during periods of illness, and loved speaking to everyone, always with a kind word. Her steps were filled with purpose and conviction. Conviction of the everlasting flame of Israel. Conviction that she could make a difference. Conviction that she had an obligation to help others and teach the next generation about Jewish History, Torah and Mitzvot.
Following a long battle with cancer, Rachel Portnoy passed away in Los Angeles. Her family buried her in Israel. And, we hope and pray that Rachel’s legacy of love and chesed continues into the future to raise up the needy and inspire the House of Israel to prepare for the coming of the Mashiach.

and more

and more
Rachel Kitchen is a California Non-Profit Tax Exempt 501(c)(3) organization, ID #92-0641793. Informational Returns on our organization’s financial activities are filed annually with the Internal Revenue Service and the California Franchise Tax Board
Financial reports coming soon.
frequently asked
What is the purpose of Rachel Kitchen?
We provide nourishing glatt kosher meals to the Jewish Community in Los Angeles. In addition, we also provide assistance with financial hardship.
Where does the food come from?
Restaurants such as Lieders, Shwartz, Jeff Gourmet, Lenny’s Casita, Fred’s Bakery, OBK, and more.
What type of food does the kitchen provide?
Meat, Chicken, Fish, Fruits, Vegetables, packaged dry food, dairy food, eggs, salads, milk, and more.
When and where is the food distributed?
Thursdays at 4: 30 to 6: 00. Location is 6134 West Pico Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90035.
If I need food, how do I get it?
Please stop by on Thursday or email through the website to sign up. You can also call 310-800-8779.
How Can I help?
You can donate food, money or your time. Please refer to donation page.
How does Rachel Kitchen differ from other facilities?
We are the only glatt kosher soup kitchen in Los Angeles that gives cooked food to families in addition to packaged/dry food.
Can Anyone come in?
Our services are targeted to the Jewish Community.